Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Engineering: Products, Services, Technologies, and Social Inclusivity with a Gender Approach

1. Introduction

Sustainable engineering is an innovative approach to designing, constructing, and operating infrastructure and technologies that balance social, environmental, and economic aspects in all phases of their useful life. It is about creating solutions that meet today’s needs without compromising future generations’ ability. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development offers a strategic action plan, placing engineers at the forefront of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) ( (accessed on 14 December 2023)) through their scientific knowledge and expertise in transforming innovative concepts into sustainability projects for the collective good. A varied engineering workforce enhances the effectiveness in addressing the SDGs, delivering pertinent, inclusive, and inventive solutions while mitigating bias and discrimination to ensure that no one is left behind [1].
The SDGs consist of goals and guidelines to promote sustainable development worldwide. They cover many social, economic, and environmental issues to address the most pressing challenges of our time, such as poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace, and justice [2]. The organization integrates these principles into its programs and projects, contributing to the overall achievement of the SDGs. Its approach focuses on empowering people and ensuring inclusion and equality, recognizing that sustainable development cannot be achieved without peace, security, and respect for human rights and dignity.
Making permanent efforts in the planning of engineering education allows for an adaptation to changes, either economic and social, within an organizational culture, with a methodological framework for the development of actions aimed at the process of qualification, specialization, or acquiring expertise for the demand of the future with dynamics of global changes. Engineers must be prepared for the dynamics of change, responding to immediate needs that demand the availability of new converging technologies in an economic context [3].
Sustainability guarantees cohesion between contexts and cultures, achieving a better quality of life with equitable wealth by being environmentally friendly [4]. The sector is presently experiencing a shift toward smart manufacturing methods and full digitalization, with the rise of new information and communication technologies like cybernetic systems, cybersecurity, Internet of Things (IoT), big data, integration systems, cloud computing, and digital and smart manufacturing, among others. These concepts are key catalysts of the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution, called Industry 4.0 [5].
Several sustainable engineering challenges derived from the 2030 SDGs have been embraced by governments and policymakers, who are now compelled to act swiftly to motivate more young individuals, particularly girls, to pursue careers in engineering. This effort is crucial for mitigating the shortage of engineers and guaranteeing the diversity of thought and inclusive participation vital for achieving the SDGs [6].
This urgency is based on the need to overcome the under-representation of women in STEM and leverage their proven capabilities in sciences, similar to men. This disparity is attributed to cultural barriers and gender stereotypes that limit their participation in these areas [7]. On the other hand, diversity in engineering leads to more innovative solutions. Including women provides varied and essential perspectives for facing contemporary challenges in this discipline. A gender-diverse team has proven to be more innovative and creative [8]. Support initiatives and networks for women in engineering are crucial to their inclusion and visibility. These networks provide a space to share experiences, celebrate achievements, and build professional profiles, helping women to increase their visibility and recognition in the field [9]. Therefore, addressing this issue not only seeks gender equity in engineering but also aims to improve the capacity for innovation and problem solving in the field, underscoring the importance of governments and policymakers in fostering greater participation of young people, especially women, in engineering.
In sustainable engineering, it is imperative to recognize that the world faces numerous obstacles to achieving the SDGs by 2030. The most pressing issue is the development disparity across various regions. This underscores the importance of enhancing global partnerships in building engineering capacities, particularly in developing nations [10].
Engineering and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations are strictly linked; each of the SDGs, from 1 to 17, can be addressed through engineering to generate an improvement and then move toward the final purpose, which is that engineering contributes to making a better world. From the relevant point that convenes this study, it is necessary to specify how the linkage of each of these goals associated with the different areas of engineering and their application is achieved. Table 1 details the linkage between engineering and the SDGs.
This research examines social inclusion in engineering models, products, and services to promote sustainability and their alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals. In addition, it assesses whether gender equality is considered in the application and development of these engineering and technology products. This report includes several sections. Section 2 outlines the fundamental concepts pertinent to the overall research. Section 3 elaborates on the methodology used and the outcomes of the article selection procedure. Section 4 reveals the primary findings from the study. Section 5 explores the significant challenges encountered in the research, highlighting effective practices and applications in sustainable engineering. Section 6 details the research limitations. Lastly, Section 7 summarizes the conclusions, implications, and potential directions for future research.

3. Materials and Methods

Petersen’s approach to the systematic mapping study (SMS) [25] offers a methodical way to verify, analyze, and classify findings concerning a particular topic or field of interest. This methodology aids in delineating the research scope and organizing the acquired knowledge systematically.
PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) [26,27] is a set of guidelines that provides a framework for the clear and transparent writing and presentation of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. It includes a checklist of 27 items and a flow diagram detailing the stages of study selection, from identification and screening to inclusion in the review. These elements are crucial for ensuring that the review process is high-quality and reproducible.

PRISMA was originally developed to guide the writing of systematic reviews and meta-analyses rather than systematic mappings per se. Although PRISMA may not fully apply in its original format, some of its principles and methods remain relevant for systematic mappings. For example, transparency in methodology, exhaustive and systematic literature search, and clear evaluation of study quality are common practices in systematic mappings and systematic reviews.

Given this situation, it was decided to adapt the method for developing the systematic mapping, reducing the scope and depth of analysis of the found articles just enough to answer the posed research questions.

Executing an SMS involves sequentially following or adapting the steps depicted in Figure 1, derived from [28]. As each phase of the process is completed, tangible outcomes are generated, serving as the immediate input for the subsequent stage, with the ultimate goal of producing a systematic mapping.

The components of the systematic mapping process are outlined in the subsequent sections.

3.1. Goal and Research Questions

This SMS aims to analyze and categorize the models of social inclusiveness, products, engineering services, and technology associated with sustainability, evaluating in which ones the gender approach is considered from their design, development, or application, all framed in the last five years. These topics will be approached from the perspective of the problems and opportunities faced by sustainable engineering, what they mean, and how it is possible to approach them from the perspective of ICTs and social inclusiveness. In summary, the study focuses on the need to relate the challenges and opportunities faced by these aspects of sustainable engineering toward 2030, developing products, processes, services, and built environments that coexist with the SDGs in mind.

In this type of study, the methodology began by formulating research questions that establish the core framework of the mapping, offering a comprehensive view of the particular area [25].
Table 2 lists all the questions and their underlying rationale. These questions aided in selecting, analyzing, and categorizing information within the study area.

3.2. Data Sources and Keywords

The databases that were methodically searched to ensure optimal literature coverage on the research topic include Web of Science (WoS), Scopus, IEEE Xplore, and ACM Digital Library. The analysis encompassed studies published within approximately five years (from 2017 to the present). A combination of keywords related to the research questions was used: RQ1: “social inclusivity model”, “sustainability social”, “integration models”, “social sustainability engineering”. RQ2: “product engineering”, “product lifecycle”. RQ3: “engineering”, “technologies”. RQ4: “sustainable development goals”, “gender equality”. RQ5: “life cycle sustainability”, “innovation in sustainable engineering”, “sustainable reengineering”.

3.3. Search String

To create a search string, the process involves identifying keywords from the research questions and objectives and then connecting them using logical operators. This search string was then utilized in the database search engines and validated by the research team. The constructed search string incorporated AND/OR logical connectors to refine the search results. “social sustainability” AND engineering AND (“gender equality” OR technologies OR “social inclusivity model” OR “Sustainable Development Goals” OR “product engineering” OR “Integration models” OR “product lifecycle” OR “life cycle sustainability” OR “Innovation in sustainable engineering” OR “Sustainable reengineering” OR “Social sustainability engineering”).

3.4. Data Extraction

The search and data extraction process included utilizing databases and websites that provide access to digital libraries. These platforms featured search engines designed to perform searches with specific search strings, enabling the retrieval of a vast array of relevant papers. The selected data sources for this process were Web of Science (WoS), Scopus, IEEE Xplore, and the ACM Digital Library.

3.5. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

The studies retrieved from the aforementioned academic search engines were chosen according to the inclusion/exclusion criteria specified for this article:

Inclusion Criteria:

  • Published papers in English from journals and conferences.

  • Full papers related to the research.

  • Papers from the last five years.

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Technical reports, abstracts, editors’ comments, state of the art.

  • Studies before 2017.

  • Studies without an author.

  • Documents that do not reflect higher education environments.

  • Duplicate studies in different databases.

  • Documents that do not come from traceable journals or procedures.

3.6. Search Execution

The search string was utilized on the chosen sources, resulting in 478 papers (refer to Table 3). The information was gathered using the export functionalities provided by each digital library. After a search to eliminate those papers that were doubly indexed, it was found that it was not possible to reduce the number because there was no duplication. The 478 papers were retained for the analysis.
After applying the inclusion/exclusion criteria by examining the titles, the number of papers was narrowed to 251. Subsequently, these papers were further filtered based on their abstracts, yielding 103 articles (refer to the summary in Figure 2). The identified articles are compiled in Appendix A, Table A1.

3.7. Classification Scheme

Publications are categorized across three dimensions: temporal, database type, and content (keywords). The temporal dimension organizes the papers by their year of publication, focusing on the most recent five-year period, from 2017 to 2023.

The database type dimension refers to the publication’s origin/source. The magazine’s content is classified into social sustainability engineering, gender equality, technologies, ICT, sustainable development goals, product engineering, integration models, life cycle sustainability, innovation in sustainable engineering, and sustainable re-engineering.

The type of proposal: Proposing solutions oriented to analysis but with a practical component or only theoretical and mixed. This dimension classifies the papers into:

  • Analytical: These studies conduct analyses, comparisons, or literature reviews related to the research topic.

  • Practical: This category includes studies or works that apply technological tools to the problem addressed.

  • Both: These works offer analysis-oriented solutions yet incorporate a technological aspect.

3.8. Results

This section can be segmented under various subheadings to ensure clarity and structure. It should offer a succinct and accurate portrayal of the experimental outcomes, their interpretation, and the conclusions that can be inferred from the experiments.

3.9. General Graphs

The outcome of the systematic mapping phase was a map designed to aid in representation and analysis. Figure 3 illustrates the classification of papers based on the type of database and keywords. Additionally, on the right side of the figure is a classification of publications according to their year of publication. It is important to highlight that this map exclusively encompasses articles that, within their analysis or proposals, consider any of the dimensions individually.
As can be seen in Figure 4, most of the papers (103) are of the analytical type (75–73%), with fewer papers contributing a practical component to their studies (16–15%), and mixed studies considering both types are the fewest (12–12%).
The analysis of publications by year can be seen in the following graph, Figure 5.
Regarding the classifications for the 103 publications, the distribution by publication category is depicted as percentages, as illustrated in Figure 6.
Beyond just these numbers, it is important to delve further into the examination of papers that consider multiple categories. Figure 7 shows the number of items by the number of dimensions that they consider.
Figure 7 shows that the most significant number of articles (30) consider two dimensions in their proposals. The largest number of dimensions considered is eight, in only two articles.

Only a small number of papers look at multiple categories within their research, suggesting that there are limited studies that thoroughly investigate the impacts of merging categories and their interconnections. The analysis’s search results are mainly concentrated in four categories: social sustainability, engineering, technologies/ICT, and sustainable development goals. Innovation in sustainable engineering is slightly less but still considerable.

The charts indicate that the study’s subject matter is highly pertinent and has steadily grown in significance, although there was a slight decline in 2023. The graphs show that it strongly impacts technology, betting on new models and strategies for sustainable engineering. Ultimately, the research will emphasize significant initiatives and the most frequently utilized specialized tools. It will also pinpoint models that aim to connect innovation with sustainable engineering, assessing if these implemented or proposed initiatives take gender equity into account.

4. Results in Line with the Research Questions

Upon concluding this research, it becomes clear that a considerable portion of the results show that most of the studies are classified as theoretical or analytical, with a minimal number incorporating a practical aspect. This underscores an ongoing requirement for empirical proof to support the propositions, underlining the rationale for additional investigation into ways of implementing or applying practical measures and assessing their success.

Results for RQ1: How many selected papers address integration models, proposals, or initiatives related to social sustainability, inclusion models, and engineering for social sustainability, and in which fields or areas?

In response to this research question, 61 papers on the topic were reviewed. Table 4 displays a compilation of the publications pertinent to RQ1.

Of the total number of articles, 4 dealt with integration models, 44 with social sustainability, 0 with social inclusion models, and 13 with social sustainability engineering.

Regarding integration, it is discussed that organizations need to understand in profundity the social, environmental, and economic impact of their operations [29]. Unfortunately, existing approaches lack a rigorous and comprehensive understanding of sustainability. The scholarly research highlights a void in the empirical exploration of the connection between the Internet of Things (IoT) and sustainability within manufacturing sectors [31]. A particular study demonstrates the various contributions of IoT initiatives toward the development of more sustainable cities or communities across three dimensions: (1) individuals gain awareness and interact with their immediate surroundings, leading to behavioral changes; (2) the initiative is conducted in an environmentally sustainable manner; (3) the availability of public data impacts the local community’s public discourse [49].
Regarding social sustainability, two studies show how it is possible to carry out successful projects such as helping livestock farmers through modernization, the first for milk production in Europe [32] and the second to bring electricity to rural sectors; these projects can be carried out considering non-governmental approaches [30]. Based on another article from small-scale agri-food farms, this one shows that communicating sustainability is challenging when local food production is not well supported [47]. Non-profit peer-to-peer exchange agreements and for-profit multilateral online marketplaces leverage underutilized resources as tools to optimize their use to capacity, facilitate social encounters, and encourage sustainable use and reuse of shared resources [50].
Social sustainability and social innovation in the design of residential spaces are also recurring themes presented in the articles; residential spaces, particularly dwellings, hold a valuable memory of users associated with space and place. Housing plays an essential role in maintaining social sustainability [54]. Regarding Building 4.0 technologies, a study shows that their application is not uniform, with more excellent applications in information modeling and building automation versus others, such as cyber–physical systems and smart materials, and significant growth is expected in the future for technologies related to blockchain and 3D printing [57]. Significantly, transdisciplinary engineering methods favor sustainable manufacturing [58].
Socially sustainable infrastructures eliminate freedoms that reduce human choice and agency. These include the lack of clean energy, clean water, clean air, sanitation, mobility, information, or safe housing, which collectively affect billions of people today, and the lack of a stable climate, which affects everyone on Earth and all those who will be born in the coming decades [59].
The engineering approach for sustainability associated with the development of socially sustainable software is also a relevant point and is gaining momentum with the development of new technologies. However, it is not tangible and an important challenge in the software engineering industry [35]. Sustainable development (SD), in its dimensions, environment, economy, and society, is an area of growing concern within the HCI community, human–computer interaction [43]. The topic of peer-to-peer (P2P) energy-sharing platforms has the potential to transform the current energy system centered on renewable energies [45]. Research assessing the overall sustainability in manufacturing operations analyzed AMS ratios reflecting the value added to benchmark the sustainability between AMS and WSS [52].
Smart cities are also part of the discussion. These cities highlight new principles of development, implementation, and continuous monitoring, and they are proposed to be driven by social, natural, and digital capital [53].
Regarding models, it can be indicated that the decentralized approach of the agent-based model building combined with identifying feedback loops from system dynamics can offer a meaningful way of viewing and modeling sustainability-focused policy making [51]; policies would change according to the market. One of the proposed models, during the year 2021, would leave France with the best results concerning social sustainability indicators; this model is based on the application of a novel integrated system of data sets based on the CRITIC and Shannon entropy methods and the CoCoSo method [61].
Figure 8 presents a word cloud associated with RQ1. This cloud represents the most recurrent concepts in the articles contributing to answering RQ1.

Results for RQ2: For related papers, how many address novel techniques or strategies for product and product life cycle engineering?

Of the papers, sixteen addressed product engineering, and four addressed product life cycles. In addressing this research question, an analysis was conducted on 61 papers related to the topic. Table 5 showcases a catalog of the publications associated with RQ2.
In terms of techniques or strategies, certain approaches are identified for sustainable software engineering, an evolving research area aimed at reducing the adverse effects of software development on society. This primarily involves choosing features for inclusion in software application development [34]. It is crucial to note that green and sustainable software engineering is not fully integrated into higher education curriculums, indicating that sustainability topics are not adequately covered [84].
One study presents an integrated framework for socio-technical systems for sustainability and urban safety [93]. It focuses on designing and developing a hardware and software system based on actual and expected human behavior. It explains the steps taken to develop the crowd control and queue management system of the Uffizi Museum [93].
The articles highlight the application of novel computational strategies in diverse areas associated with sustainability. These range from biosurveillance and poverty mapping to predicting renewable energy generation, crop disease surveillance, and using agent-based modeling and stochastic network configuration [94], presenting a broad spectrum of potential uses.
Conversely, optimization focused on sustainability yields significant advantages for manufacturing processes, given that sustainable production is a vital component of contemporary manufacturing. An article introduces a novel formalized framework designed to enhance the sustainability of manufacturing processes. This approach is distinguished from earlier methods by integrating a system for choosing sustainability indicators with a multi-objective optimization strategy, aiming to enhance the three pillars of sustainability: economic, environmental, and societal aspects [85].
A research paper addressing energy concerns introduces a novel day-ahead energy scheduling strategy for electrical and thermal reserve needs within a multicarrier microgrid system. In this framework, the energy concentrator plays a proactive role, delivering necessary energy via a boiler and cogeneration system. It can provide a thermal reserve by utilizing a thermal energy storage unit [76].
In the supply chain context, most initiatives have mainly aimed at minimizing environmental impacts, often quantified by greenhouse gas emissions and resource usage. On the social sustainability front, the emphasis has been on mitigating potential risks to human health, the community, and societal well-being [88].
In an intriguing academic exploration, the potential of blockchain technology to address inefficiencies, complexities, and social challenges faced by smallholder farmers within the supply chain is examined. The article outlines the difficulties encountered by these farmers. It illustrates how technology could serve a beneficial role in their supply chains, helping to mitigate a range of social and environmental issues [89].
Numerous debates emphasize the impact of digital transformation in industrial settings on human capabilities and interactions. There is a critical observation that looking beyond just technological advancements and considering other factors is essential. It is highlighted that efforts centered around humans should be viewed within the larger sustainability framework and the circular economy to understand the dynamics of the socio-technical aspects involved fully [95].

The concept of smart cities has been around for some time and is still going strong. Cohesion is a significant factor for this “smart” system, and it needs a common platform to connect the global community.

Figure 9 presents a word cloud associated with RQ2. This cloud represents the most recurrent concepts in the articles contributing to answering RQ2.

Results for RQ3: How many selected papers demonstrate positive sustainability results linked to engineering and technological tools?

Of the articles, 46 dealt with engineering-related sustainability and 58 with technologies or technological tools. Table 6 presents a list of the publications related to RQ3.
Nowadays, sustainability is a crucial principle that needs to be cultivated and implemented across all industrial and engineering fields. In this vein, the current digital shift and Industry 4.0 (I4.0) innovations aim to revolutionize the interactions between individuals and machines, markedly influencing both social and organizational facets. Concurrently, digitalization allows businesses to articulate and execute sustainability strategies by linking production processes with suitable evaluative metrics [73]. According to UNESCO’s ’Engineering for Sustainable Development’ report, “Engineering itself must be transformed to become more innovative, inclusive, collaborative and responsible”. For this research, it is vital to note that the concept of sustainability was initially presented in 1972 during the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm [118]. Later, in 1987, the majority of sustainability definitions put forth by the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED, also known as the Brundtland Commission) articulated sustainable development as “development that satisfies the needs of the present without jeopardizing the capacity of future generations to fulfill their own needs” [119]. According to Francisco García Calvo-Flores, there are 12 principles associated with sustainable engineering: 1. “Essential” rather than “circumstantial”, 2. “Durability” is better than “immortality”, 8. Coping with need, minimizing excess, 9. Minimizing diversification of raw materials, 10. Integrating matter and energy flows, 11. Designing for commercial use of products beyond their useful life, and 12. “Renewable” better than “exhaustible”: matter and energy supplies should be renewable rather than exhaustible [120].
Examples include engineering and technological tools such as 5G and 6th generation (6G) wireless communications. One of the critical aspects in the justification of the six challenges of 6G research is precisely sustainability (environmental, economic, and social) to address the main challenges of today’s societies [117]. However, harnessing the full potential of the technologies will require significant changes beyond the technology. Physical assets must be linked with digital assets, taking full advantage of data, simulation, and modeling [103].
The mining sector is undoubtedly one of the largest spaces for the application of engineering and technological tools, which is why there have been analyses of innovations and technologies aimed at improving the sustainability of mining activity, which has gained importance in recent decades; these have focused mainly on the analysis of issues related to environmental sustainability in the phases from exploration to exploitation and closure [112].
Urban residents are turning to technology to help combat climate change and achieve sustainability. Various technologies, including the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), big data, and blockchain, are being tailored to support efforts against climate change and enhance social sustainability. Specifically, green blockchain technology stands out as an eco-friendly solution that addresses social and environmental challenges in urban areas, fostering sustainable practices [110]. Additionally, cloud-based data centers provide the necessary high-performance computing capabilities to process and analyze large data sets.
Furthermore, the world is witnessing an ever-growing level of interconnectedness, a trend also evident in the industrial sector. Here, an ecosystem comprising digitized assets and humans, equipped with suitable digital interfaces, engages in continuous interaction [95].
Globalization plays a critical role; supply chain networks are compelling manufacturing firms to produce sustainable products using re-engineering technologies that provide a competitive edge in the current market [46]. The findings indicate that waste management, the effect on biodiversity, and economic development are the primary considerations in developing sustainable reverse logistics recovery strategies.
Humanity is confronted with unparalleled global environmental and societal issues, encompassing concerns about food, water, energy security, and resilience to natural disasters. The knowledge platforms addressing these challenges should leverage contemporary and forthcoming digital technologies reshaping society, including science and engineering. Big Earth data (BED) science is dedicated to offering methodologies and tools designed to derive insights from vast, intricate, and varied data sources [99].
It is important to emphasize that digital technologies, including sensors, drones, satellites, and blockchain, are key to promoting social sustainability throughout the supply chain. This advancement aligns with the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, which aim to steer global economies toward a vision of a more sustainable future by minimizing poverty and inequality [89].
Certain research highlights the increasing focus on environmental issues, the role of Industry 4.0 technologies, and the adoption of circular economy practices, which are becoming dominant factors in contemporary business thought. These elements are reshaping business models [108]. The research indicates that Industry 4.0 technologies play a crucial role in advancing circular economy practices, and there is a positive correlation between these practices and improvements in environmental and operational performance [108].
Figure 10 presents a word cloud associated with RQ2. This cloud represents the most recurrent concepts in the articles contributing to answering RQ3.

Results for RQ4: Of the selected papers, how many articles demonstrate positive results when focusing on the Sustainable Development Goals from a gender perspective (equality or reduction in gaps)?

Of the articles, 41 addressed the Sustainable Development Goals, and only 2 addressed the gender perspective. This shows that little is addressed in the engineering industry for sustainable productivity or development of the productive sector with a gender approach. That is why the analysis of these results is presented mainly from the perspective of the Sustainable Development Goals. Table 7 presents a list of the publications related to RQ4.
However, since women comprise approximately half of the world’s population, they must have access to the same resources and participate in managing the same global changes. However, few women are currently involved in designing and developing sustainable technology-based solutions that could improve the quality of life for all. Encouraging participation and supporting more women in engineering benefits society as a whole by expanding the potential to create inclusive and innovative solutions that address the complex challenges facing our planet [121].

Table 7.
Sources for RQ4 answer.

Table 7.
Sources for RQ4 answer.

Sustainable Development Goals Gender Equality
[30,32,33,42,43,46,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,60,67,68,72,73,74,75,76,78,87,88,89,94,97,98,103,105,109,110,111,122,123,124,125,126,127,128] [41,129]
Computational sustainability leverages computational models and methods to support the achievement of sustainability objectives. This field encompasses a wide range of applications, from biosurveillance and poverty mapping to predicting renewable energy output, the monitoring of crop diseases, and the development of agent-based models for stochastic network planning. These efforts are aligned with the pursuit of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) [94].
Following the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), most initiatives aimed at enhancing sustainability within supply chains have concentrated on minimizing the environmental impact, typically assessed through metrics like greenhouse gas emissions and the consumption of resources. Attention toward social sustainability has predominantly been on mitigating potential adverse effects on human health, communities, and broader society [88].
Urbanization has transformed into a worldwide occurrence affecting both developed and developing countries. The relentless growth of urban areas is rendering cities more unsustainable [110]. For cities to be sustainable, they must provide readily available amenities, including healthcare and educational services, effective governance, open access to green areas like parks and playgrounds, affordable housing options, and comprehensive transportation services catering to all economic backgrounds. Such cities are essential for achieving multiple targets set by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) for 2030.
Conversely, numerous articles discuss “smart” as a critical element for actualizing smart cities, communities, grids, etc. The author utilized the notion of meta-engineering to describe “smart” as a product that integrates hardware and software. To maximize the efficiency of this smart integration, the proportion of software should be triple that of the hardware, according to recent interpretations related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) [97].
Concerning agriculture, there is a notable intervention in the Earth’s reserves of one of the three critical elements, phosphorus (P). This situation is challenging due to its extensive utilization compared to the available resources. It necessitates exploring strategies for closing the phosphorus loop from the perspective of a circular economy. Nevertheless, further research is essential to assess regional and global social sustainability in this domain, aligning with the objectives outlined in the United Nations Agenda 2030’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) [60].
One of the articles discusses how university education should be approached with a focus on the SDGs. This study underscores a central argument: that the most significant research in this field often reinforces the optimistic view of technology’s role in sustainable development but does not critically examine the conventional perceptions of technology; the scope of their criticism and, therefore, the impact remain limited [127].
As we shift our focus to the industrial sector, the most recent version, Industry 5.0, is perceived by scholars as having the potential to surpass the productivity-centric advantages of Industry 4.0. It strives to promote sustainable development goals, emphasizing human-centricity, socio-environmental sustainability, and resilience. Nevertheless, despite the expected benefits, there remains a requirement for deeper research to understand how this loosely defined concept can effectively realize its sustainability objectives [128]. Amidst these advancements, it is important to acknowledge that, in recent years, the industrial, scientific, and technological sectors have experienced a transformative wave of digitization and automation, referred to as Industry 4.0. This revolution has significantly influenced and contributed to attaining the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 [67].
According to the United Nations SDG 7, the goal is to achieve universal access to affordable, reliable, and clean energy by 2030. Based on a particular case study, experience shows that achieving the SDG requires considering the problem’s technological, economic, and social aspects [30].

To conclude the analysis of this RQ, the principal results identified are oriented to the sustainability window, combined with the analysis of the environmental efficiency gap. The articles show us various application areas but discuss addressing the SDGs with a gender approach. Unfortunately, although they sometimes talk about STEM or transdisciplinary, they do not specify how, from engineering, re-engineering, or even product design, this could be achieved by incorporating applied measures with a gender approach.

About the gender dimension and focusing on the economic structure of Latin America, it stands out for having a segregated labor market. In this scenario, men occupy a disproportionately high position in agriculture, where the adoption of technologies, innovation, and the creation of greater value added are crucial conditions for competitiveness. On the other hand, women play significant roles in low-productivity sectors, such as commerce and services, and have a more marked presence in informal jobs. This situation has a negative impact on women’s labor productivity and income [130].

Results for RQ5: Of the selected papers, how many articles address life cycle sustainability, sustainable engineering innovation, and sustainable re-engineering, where there are positive results by focusing on the Sustainable Development Goals?

Of the total number of articles, 15 were related to life cycle sustainability, 28 to sustainable engineering innovation, and 7 to sustainable re-engineering. Table 8 presents a list of the publications related to RQ5.
Regarding product life cycle sustainability, the digital transformation of factories and the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies have not been fully leveraged to establish connections between production processes and social metrics. Consequently, there is a need for enhanced tools to monitor social performance effectively. Within this context, the social aspect of the circular economy remains a relatively unexplored and underutilized area of research and application [133]. It is identified that:

Industry 4.0 technologies significantly improve circular economy practices.


Circular economy practices positively affect environmental and operational performance.

Higher economic and operational performance drives organizational performance [108].
However, from the consumers’ point of view, although they increasingly value sustainable products, considering sustainability can be difficult and time-consuming when shopping. A user study in a real supermarket reinforces the inferred guidelines and indicates that such a system can help customers to choose more sustainable products [90].
On the other hand, to achieve international sustainable development goals, food and agricultural production must be based on sustainable, resilient, and innovative practices. One of these is the sustainability of genetically engineered food and agricultural products, where mechanisms used to improve their governance and oversight are discussed [131] Both traditional breeding and the use of new agricultural technologies, including genetic engineering and gene editing, have the potential to help achieve sustainable agri-food production [131].
Similarly, civil engineering has witnessed significant advancements over the years. However, the unsustainable utilization of resources in numerous engineering projects results in the release of unwanted emissions and waste into the environment, leading to adverse environmental consequences, including global warming, resource depletion, eutrophication, acidification, and various others [104]. In this regard, the Quantitative Assessment of Life Cycle Sustainability (QUALICS) framework has been devised to measure a project’s or activity’s comprehensive sustainability and aid in the decision-making process [104].
From the point of view of water resources and maintaining social sustainability and ecosystem balance, it is necessary to control the population and economic scale of the region strictly and to reduce the risks of water scarcity; it is necessary to strengthen water resources management, implement risk management strategies, establish emergency water diversion plans, and implement strategic water reserve plans [124].

The research and studies that we have mentioned cover a wide spectrum of aspects of sustainable innovation, aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) objectives for 2030. These aspects encompass:

Energy management strategies with considerations for economic, environmental, and social sustainability [76].
The emergence of smart cities as a means to enhance urban sustainability [53].
Proposed technologies to mitigate the adverse effects of urban transportation [86].
Intelligent waste management solutions [87].
Sustainable supply chain design and management, focusing on greenhouse gas emissions and resource consumption [88].
Predictive and data-driven approaches to address global environmental and societal challenges, including food, water, and energy security, as well as resilience to natural hazards [99].
Innovations in the railway sector, employing system engineering throughout the entire lifecycle of railroads [103].
Agricultural mechanization integrating information technology and automation to enhance food and bioenergy production while considering environmental sustainability [105].
Sustainable manufacturing practices, with a specific focus on human–robot collaborative disassembly (HRCD) and its contributions to economic, environmental, and social sustainability [107].
A positive trend in G7 countries toward migrating technological and social competencies toward sustainability, particularly in the social pillar, driven by Industry 4.0, and a global correlation between data openness and happiness [67].

These aspects collectively address various facets of sustainable development and underline the importance of technology and innovation in achieving the SDG 2030 objectives.

In conclusion, the studies and articles that we have mentioned underscore the significance of sustainable re-engineering in various industrial contexts:

  • These contributions aim to enhance the sustainability of the automotive industry by offering cost-effective applications that enable the recovery of value, reducing the need for recycling or landfilling [52].
  • Sustainability-based optimization is emphasized as a critical component of modern manufacturing, bringing substantial benefits to the production process [85].
  • The globalization of supply chain networks is compelling manufacturing companies to adopt re-engineering technologies to produce sustainable products, thus gaining a competitive edge in the contemporary market [100].
  • Innovative approaches, such as a transdisciplinary engineering method, are introduced to promote sustainable manufacturing. This includes the design of connected environments (IoT framework) to measure and enhance social sustainability within production facilities. These efforts also highlight the connection between social sustainability and productivity [58].

These findings collectively demonstrate the growing importance of sustainable re-engineering practices across various industries, reflecting the evolving landscape of modern manufacturing and its alignment with sustainability objectives.

7. Conclusions

The authors offer an analysis of recent publications (last five years) that evaluate models of social inclusiveness, engineering products and services for sustainability, and the integration of sustainable development objectives of engineering products and technology, reviewing whether gender equality or equity is present in their application and development. This study highlighted the relevant initiatives and the most used technological tools to relate challenges and opportunities faced by sustainable engineering in 2030 to develop products, processes, services, and built environments that coexist under the SDGs.

This study is based on the need to visualize the needs and challenges that contemporary engineering and engineers must face to contribute to the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals. The industry of products and services is analyzed by reviewing experiences that contribute to convert innovative ideas into sustainability projects (social and evaluating the gender perspective). The following conclusions can be drawn.

One of the industry’s most current and constant drivers is sustainability [58]. Sustainable engineering from the point of view of products, services, and the use and incorporation of technologies, including the social point of view and with a gender approach, shows and puts on the table that this issue raises different problems according to the three pillars of sustainability: environmental, economic, and social. Regarding the latter, there is a lack of methodologies and tools. In addition, industries are going through a crucial transition in terms of technology. In Latin America, they are joining cooperatives to gain greater access to global markets. This forces them to understand the costs of a complex and sustainable coffee production process [48]. The Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, social sustainability, and renewable energy resources are determining factors in achieving sustainable smart cities with maximum quality of life for humans [53]. In recent years, technological transformation, such as the fourth industry revolution or Industry 4.0 (I4.0), has been a critical enabler of digital transformation (DT) and the potential pathway for companies to sustainable development [55]. The sustainability of software development products and processes should be conceptualized as multi-systemic and layered and evaluated accordingly [83].
Sustainability, particularly from a social perspective, is of paramount importance. Issues like fraud can have significant negative consequences, especially in emerging economies. Addressing these challenges is crucial for achieving social sustainability and deserves immediate attention. Fortunately, digital technologies, including sensors, drones, satellites, and blockchain, offer promising solutions to enhance social sustainability within the supply chain [89]. These technologies can help to mitigate fraud, improve transparency, and contribute to the well-being of communities and societies involved in supply chain activities. Results shown in several articles show that economic and environmental sustainability are positively correlated, and both are negatively correlated with social sustainability, indicating a necessary trade-off for stress management strategies [98]. Engineering and scientific efforts can only achieve policy goals on climate change with the support of social science perspectives, including business and economics [101]. Sustainability is a fundamental concept that should be integrated into all industrial contexts. To effectively assess and enhance sustainability, measuring sustainability performance using appropriate indicators throughout the entire life cycle and value chain is crucial. This measurement should consider environmental, economic, and social impacts, providing a holistic view of sustainability [73]. By considering these three dimensions, organizations can make informed decisions that contribute to a more sustainable future for both their operations and society as a whole.
From efforts focused on implementing new technologies for digital transformation in the industry, they are highlighted in cyber–physical industrial systems driven by service-based cooperation between humans and digitized industrial assets [95]. With the increasing demands of the urban population, the human race is witnessing a drastic change in climate and environment. The urban population seeks the support of technology to mitigate climate change and be sustainable [110]. A study offers a novel transdisciplinary engineering approach to measure and promote social sustainability in production centers. It exploits Internet of Things technology to support manufacturing processes and plants’ (re)design toward human-centered connected factories [123]. Information technology provides the tools to guide, quantify, and document this economic, environmental, and social sustainability re-coupling in food–energy–water systems [105]. Digital solutions can reduce costs, increase productivity, improve product development, and achieve a faster time to market [78].
In the manufacturing industry, sustainability has emerged as a critical concern. However, historical events such as economic crises and the climate change debate have predominantly directed attention toward environmental sustainability, sometimes relegating social sustainability to the background [133].
The digital transformation of production processes not only allows for the assessment of environmental impact but also provides a means to understand the social performance of manufacturing organizations. It can help to uncover the latent social dimension within the circular economy [133].
Furthermore, there is a noticeable gap in the scientific literature when it comes to empirically studying the relationship between the Internet of Things (IoT) and sustainability in manufacturing industries. To address this gap, some researchers have proposed a new conceptual model (CM) to evaluate the effectiveness of IoT technologies in terms of their alignment with socio-environmental sustainability and the principles of the circular economy [31]. This represents a promising avenue for further research in understanding the intersection of IoT, sustainability, and manufacturing.
The development and utilization of knowledge platforms are critical for facilitating informed decision making, ensuring access to the best available knowledge, and preventing potential negative impacts on society and the environment. These knowledge platforms should be built upon the foundation of cutting-edge digital technologies that are reshaping society, including advancements in science and engineering [99].
These platforms serve various functions, including promoting circular economy practices, facilitating the development of smart products, providing support to employees, enabling smart automation, fostering open and sustainable innovation, integrating renewable energy sources, and enhancing adaptability within supply chains [128].
It is important to note that these functions are highly interconnected, and their development should follow a specific order to maximize the synergies and complementarities between them, ultimately leading to greater value gains from sustainable development [128].

It is important to note that many of the articles related to this research unfortunately do not consider the gender approach either in their designs or in their implementations.

It is well known that Latin America faces the challenge of raising its productivity levels, an essential requirement for achieving sustainable growth and development in the region. However, this development will be inclusive and generate distributive benefits for the population only if policies that improve productivity incorporate a gender perspective. It is crucial and key to consider that reducing gender disparities by improving gender equity not only promotes the efficiency of human capital but also boosts economic growth [130].

An important derivative of this study is that, in this field of engineering action, the gender approach is unfortunately not being implemented in the industrial sector with the desired speed; on the contrary, by leaving this approach aside, opportunities for profitable and innovative product solutions in markets not yet explored are being lost. However, companies must create gender-sensitive products for various reasons, mainly to avoid reproducing gender stereotypes, meet previously unmet needs, and foster satisfaction, empowerment, and inclusion.

Finally, in conclusion, the challenges faced by engineers and the productive sector linked to these disciplines must be addressed in a way that carefully takes into account the social impacts. At the same time, it is crucial to be alert to environmental effects to restore the health of nature and the planet. This approach transforms engineering into an essential, leveling, and catalyzing agent for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) [136].
These topics are essential for determining how to address sustainability-relevant aspects of engineering, including technologies and visualizing how to integrate the gender approach progressively. Hiring more women engineers has the potential to improve the design of new products and solutions, benefiting both men and women. Incorporating additional perspectives encourages and facilitates the creation of more holistic and complete solutions. This underscores the importance of gender diversity in the engineering field to enrich and optimize the development of innovations that address the varied needs of society [121].

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