Cardiff Students’ Union’s November round up!



November 2023 has been all about democracy here at Cardiff Students’ Union. From the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and by-elections, to Movember and Afrogene, here are some of the highlights for this month…

Annual General Meeting

The highlight of this month was the Annual General Meeting, in which 5 main discussion points were debated and voted on by 899 students in attendance. This year, there were also 61 proxy voters for the proposed motions, and the democratic event was live-streamed to proxy voters at home, making democracy inclusive and available to all students.


Following on from the success of our Autumn Elections, the By-Elections received an astounding 261 votes. La’shaunna Williamson was elected as our new Anti-Racism Officer for the 23-24 academic year. 50 other roles including NUS delegate and Student Senate were also filled. Look at the full list of students elected here.


In November, Cardiff Students’ Union joined the global campaign to raise awareness of men’s health. Coinciding with Sober Socials Week, Sabbatical officers hosted ‘Walk and Talk’ events to encourage community and to promote talking openly about physical and mental health issues. Sports clubs and societies across the student body got involved with their efforts for Movember, raising over £80,000 and hosting wellbeing and fundraising events throughout November.

You can hear more about student engagement with the Movember campaign in the latest podcast, Movember: Have you checked your balls?

Sober Socials week

For sober socials week, Sabbatical Officers ran walk-and-talk events to encourage student socials without focusing on drinking alcohol. They also encouraged our sports clubs and societies to host their sober socials, and over 75 student groups joined in, hosting events throughout November.

Carers Rights Week

Micaela, VP Postgrad, spearheaded Carers Rights Week to raise awareness of student carers and let them know their rights. The campaign also worked to signpost the available support and provide some events and spaces for students to come together. Throughout the week she engaged with over 100 people across three stalls. 133 people completed the Carers Rights Quiz, and the message reached nearly 3000 accounts over social media. You can find out more about this campaign here.


Students celebrated Afrogene, an annual event which showcases African and Caribbean culture and talent at Cardiff University. The event had 155 students in attendance, with 14 performing acts.

Feed your Flat

Feed Your Flat returned to support students, with over 130 students accessing cost of living support and engaging with the Sabbatical Officer and Campaign Officer team.

With Winter Wellbeing already launched, Cardiff Students’ Union looks forward to everything the last few weeks of autumn term have to offer and wishes you a very festive December!



Democratiaeth oedd canolbwynt mis Tachwedd 2023 yma yn Undeb Myfyrwyr Caerdydd. O’r Cyfarfod Cyffredinol Blynyddol (CCB) a’r is-etholiadau, i Tashwedd ac Afrogene, dyma rhai o uchafbwyntiau’r mis…

Cyfarfod Cyffredinol Blynyddol

Uchafbwynt mis yma oedd y Cyfarfod Cyffredinol Blynyddol, lle cafodd 5 prif bwynt eu trafod a’u pleidleisio arnynt gan yr 899 o fyfyrwyr a fynychodd. Eleni roedd hefyd 61 o bleidleiswyr dirprwyol ar gyfer y cynigion arfaethedig a chafodd y digwyddiad ei ddarlledu’n fyw gan wneud democratiaeth yn gynhwysol ac yn agored i bob myfyriwr.


Yn dilyn llwyddiant Etholiadau’r Hydref, derbyniodd yr is-etholiadau 261 o bleidleisiau. Cafodd La’shaunna Williamson ei hethol fel ein Swyddog Gwrth-Hiliaeth newydd ar gyfer blwyddyn academaidd 23-24. Cafodd 50 rôl arall, gan gynnwys cynrychiolwyr UMC a Senedd y Myfyrwyr hefyd eu llenwi. Gwelwch restr lawn o’r myfyrwyr a benodwyd yma.


Yn ystod mis Tachwedd ymunodd Undeb Myfyrwyr Caerdydd ag ymgyrch rhyngwladol i godi ymwybyddiaeth am iechyd dynion. Gydag Wythnos Cymdeithasu Sobr yn digwydd ar yr un pryd, gwnaeth y swyddogion sabothol gynnal digwyddiadau ‘Cerdded a Sgwrs’ i annog pobl i siarad yn agored am faterion iechyd meddwl a ffisegol. Gwnaeth clybiau chwaraeon a chymdeithasau amrywiol gymryd rhan gyda’u sesiynau lles a digwyddiadau yn codi dros £80,000 ar gyfer Tashwedd.

Gallwch glywed mwy am ymgysylltiad myfyrwyr ag ymgyrch Tashwedd yn ein podlediad diweddaraf, ‘Movember: Have you checked your balls?’

Wythnos Cymdeithasu Sobr

Ar gyfer wythnos cymdeithasu sobr, bu’r Swyddogion Sabothol yn cynnal digwyddiadau cerdded a sgwrs i annog digwyddiadau cymdeithasol heb ffocws ar alcohol. Gwnaethon hefyd annog clybiau chwaraeon a chymdeithasau i gynnal eu digwyddiadau cymdeithasol sobr eu hun, gyda dros 75 o grwpiau myfyrwyr yn cymryd rhan ac yn cynnal digwyddiadau drwy gydol mis Tachwedd.

Wythnos Hawliau Gofalwyr

Gwnaeth Micaela, IL Myfyrwyr Ôl-raddedig, arwain Wythnos Hawliau Gofalwyr er mwyn codi ymwybyddiaeth am fyfyrwyr sydd hefyd yn ofalwyr a rhannu gwybodaeth gyda nhw am eu hawliau. Gwnaeth yr ymgyrch hefyd weithio i gyfeirio gofalwyr at y cymorth sydd ar gael a darparu digwyddiadau i fyfyrwyr ddod at ei gilydd. Dros yr wythnos ymgysylltodd â dros 100 o bobl ar draws 3 stondin. Gwnaeth 133 o bobl cwblhau Cwis Hawliau Myfyrwyr, a chyrhaeddodd y neges bron 3000 o gyfrifon ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol. Gallwch ddarganfod mwy am yr ymgyrch yma.


Dathlodd myfyrwyr Afrogene, digwyddiad blynyddol sy’n arddangos diwylliant a thalent Affricanaidd a Caribïaidd ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd. Daeth 155 o fyfyrwyr i’r digwyddiad gydag 14 perfformiad.

Bwydo eich Fflat

Dychwelodd Bwydo eich Fflat i gefnogi myfyrwyr, gyda dros 130 o fyfyrwyr yn derbyn cymorth gyda’r gost o fyw ac yn ymgysylltu â’r tîm Swyddogion Sabothol a Swyddogion Ymgyrchu.


Gyda Gofalu Gyda’r Gaeaf eisoes wedi dechrau, mae Undeb Myfyrwyr Caerdydd yn edrych ymlaen at bopeth fydd gan wythnosau olaf tymor yr Hydref i’w cynnig a dymunwn y gorau i chi dros y gwyliau!


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