CODEPINK Activists Temporarily Shut Down Israeli Consulate in San Francisco


[Photo by Leon Kunstenaar]

CODEPINK Activists Stage Protest, Temporarily Shut Down Israeli Consulate in San Francisco

Demonstrators Demand Ceasefire, End to U.S. Funding for Israeli Weapons, and Relief for Gaza

In a bold display of activism, CODEPINK and its allies orchestrated the temporary shutdown of the Israeli Consulate in San Francisco’s Financial District on Friday, December 22. This protest is part of an ongoing series of actions aimed at demanding a ceasefire, advocating against U.S. funding for weapons in Israel, urging the lifting of the Gaza siege, and calling for an end to the occupation.

Approximately 100 impassioned individuals congregated in front of the Consulate, seeking to deliver a CODEPINK petition containing 10,801 signatures, emphasizing the widespread support for their cause. However, their attempts were met with locked doors, and consulate security refused to accept the petition.

Outside the Consulate the group erected an altar, adorned with candles, flowers, children’s shoes, and toys, to commemorate the children who were murdered by Israel. They also held symbolic die-in in the street, while others formed a picket line. The atmosphere resonated with singing, chanting, and poetry, as participants held up beautifully crafted signs and CODEPINK pink hearts, echoing the unified call for an immediate ceasefire.

[Photo by Leon Kunstenaar]

Passersby and motorists contributed by, expressing their support through honks and cheers, highlighting the resonance of the activists’ message with the broader community.

This demonstration underscores the growing momentum behind the global call to end the genocide in Gaza and the occupation of Palestine. The symbolic shutdown of the Israeli Consulate serves as a powerful statement in their ongoing efforts to draw attention to the humanitarian issues at the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. As the activists remain steadfast, their actions reverberate as a call for global attention and solidarity with the Palestinian struggle. 

You can view more photos of the action at CODEPINK SF Bay Flickr album or at Leon Kunstenaar’s Smug Mug album.


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