eLearning Africa


eLearning Africa is a global network of professionals working in the field of ICT supported education and training. It includes educators, trainers, technology specialists, policy makers, and investors. Since 2005, we have been sharing our knowledge and experience of technology enhanced learning, ensuring that our network is now the largest professional community promoting African expertise and talent in education to the rest of the world, and a leading resource for the transfer of knowledge about eLearning within and to Africa.

eLearning Africa brings you to the forefront of online learning and educational technology

The core mission of eLearning Africa is to showcase and support sustainable education solutions and improve access to relevant information, education and training, in order to drive economic and social prosperity. We enable our network of digital education and training professionals to develop multinational and cross-industry contacts and partnerships, as well as to enhance their knowledge, expertise and abilities.

  • We promote the use of digital technologies, including computers, mobile devices and the Internet.
  • We raise awareness and support capacity development and training in human resources, institutions and infrastructure.
  • We help attract investment into all levels and all sectors of education and learning, from early childhood, to primary and secondary education, higher education, vocational training, workplace learning and life-long learning.
  • We bring together a multitude of stakeholders in our community of practice to facilitate community building and knowledge exchange.


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