EU Initiative on Health Security proposes comprehensive programme for 2024


The EU Initiative on Health Security aims to strengthen regional workforce capabilities in the prevention and control of communicable diseases while fostering cross-border cooperation to combat health security threats effectively.

The programme, structured around three key areas, outlines actions to bolster health security across the region:

  1. Workforce- Oriented Capacity Building: The programme emphasizes the delivery of workforce-oriented capability-building initiatives through the Mediterranean and Black Sea Programme for Intervention Epidemiology Training (MediPIET). This includes an advanced two-year ‘learning-by-doing’ field epidemiology training programme, training of trainers, network strengthening activities, and support for knowledge transfer.
  2. Capacity Building in Epidemic Intelligence and Risk Assessment: ECDC is committed to enhancing capacities in epidemic intelligence, risk assessment, preparedness, and response in partner countries. Throughout the year, ECDC will conduct a series of tailored trainings and workshops focusing on various topics, including the ramifications of climate change on infectious diseases, contact tracing methodologies, and in-action and after-action reviews.
  3. Integration with ECDC systems, Knowledge-Sharing and Networking: The programme aims to integrate partner countries progressively into ECDC’s work, fostering knowledge-sharing and networking opportunities. Events such as workshops, exchange of expert’s programmes, and participation in ECDC networks and activities as observers are highlighted to facilitate collaboration.

The programme aligns closely with the needs identified by partner countries and ECDC through continuous dialogue and assessment and underscores the importance of mutual cooperation and collective action in addressing regional health challenges in the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions.

In addition to multi-country capacity strengthening events, ECDC will engage in tailored bilateral activities based on expressed interests and requests. Participants from ENP partner countries will benefit from a diverse array of training sessions, workshops, and networking opportunities throughout the year.

For further information and updates on the programme, please visit our dedicated webpage.


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