| InciWeb


Last updated: 2023-08-23

The type of incident is Wildfire and involves the following unit(s) Mendocino National Forest.

State: California


Latitude: 40° 3 41.436 Longitude: 122° 50 50.568

NOTE: All fire perimeters and points are approximations.

Incident Overview: Since Aug. 15, 2023 fire personnel on the Mendocino National Forest have been responding to lightning fire starts after thunderstorms passed through the area. On the Grindstone Ranger District two fire starts called Slide 1 and Slide 2 occurred near Slides Ridge, approximately 1.5 miles north of Mt. Linn in the Yolla Bolly Middle Eel Wilderness. The two incidents merged, and the incident is now being called the Slide 1 Fire.

The strategy for the fire is full suppression and aggressive extended attack to minimize the number of large wildfire incidents. The location of the fire in the wilderness area presents several hazards for firefighters, including hazard trees from past wildfires and remote, rugged terrain.

Weather forecasts show chance of thunderstorms, and gusty winds are possible.

Smoke may be visible from Willows to Red Bluff along the I-5 corridor.


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