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Tell Bayer: Stop Killing Our Bees

America's bees are dying at some of the highest rates ever, struggling to survive a deluge of next-generation pesticides called "neonics" unleashed by multinational chemical giants like Monsanto, Syngenta and Bayer the world's largest…

Why the US Economy Needs Bees

Find more Earth Focus content at is key to the US economy, but US bee keepers say that colony collapse disorder -- massive bee death -- is claiming up to 80 percent of us bee colonies each year. Pesticide Action Network's Paul Towers…

Bees, bees, bees!

Rhode Island College's Jim Murphy and Dr. Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban were interviewed on the "Renewable Now" radio show, hosted by Peter Arpin, as part of a fascinating discussion on the importance of beehives, including the beehives here at…

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