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Keeping Up Your Relationship Through Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease is a difficult diagnosis for the person with the disease as well as for all those who love them. As the brain becomes weaker, it becomes harder to recognize your loved one’s “old self.” It is as though the person you…

Keeping the Wolverine Wild in a Climate Crisis

Recently, imperiled wolverines received much-needed endangered species protections that will help this rare wilderness species survive amidst a climate crisis. The decision to protect wolverines comes after six rounds of successful…

Keeping Vanity URLs in Check: A Few Criteria

Shortcuts, Vanity or Marketing URLs, are all names for the requests Web managers get to shorten Web addresses. The shortened links make it easy to share long links as well as track clicks on those links. On a recent…

Keeping Ports Open After a Storm

Sanibel Causeway, National Geodetic Survey aerial assessment imagery collected on Sept. 29, 2022.A natural disaster such as a hurricane impacts all facets of life in a community, and can even cause ripple effects that spread beyond the…

Wind power: Keeping the lights on

How does wind energy keep the lights on for American families and businesses? It helps diversify the U.S. electricity mix, leading to a more secure and reliable energy grid. To learn more, see here:

Keeping Seattle Green: Garbage and Recycling

Seattle is a national leader in recycling and reducing landfills to keep the Pacific Northwest one of the best places to live, proving that it's easy being green. Seattle has a goal of recycling 70 percent of all waste.

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