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The future of computer music

Transcript Ge Wang: Is it still art? If it's not made by a human, um, I don't know, you know, I, at least not today, maybe tomorrow I'll have, I'll feel differently. But what I'm really looking for in anyone working with AI is just, are…

Probal Is Taking Afrobeats Music To Blockchain

Probal Logo Scaler Music NFT Product Image The Rapid Rise of Afrobeats: Global Recognition, Increase In Talent, and Capital Constraints Pave the Way for Probal's Intervention. Access to funding remains a formidable challenge for…

Flaco and birders made beautiful music together

There was a group of us, ranging from six to a dozen who would follow Flaco for hours after flyout at night. We were respectful. My friend Anke would say, “Don’t get too close, he’s going to come down for a rat,“ and I would dutifully…

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