In solidarity, we demand climate and environmental education programs that ensure:

  1. Access. All schools and universities must include climate change related courses in their programs.
  2. Equity. Climate education must be available for everyone at every level of education, regardless of their ethnicity, age, sex, or social status.
  3. Availability. Climate literacy programs should be accessible both on-line and off-line, through education platforms which will bring knowledge both to students, teachers, and adults, beyond borders.
  4. Integration Across Disciplines. Climate education must be integrated into the core values and content across the curriculum. Students must learn about the scientific, social, and ethical dimensions of the climate crisis.
  5. Professional Training and Professional Development. All education professionals must be trained in climate education and be provided with lesson schemes and teaching materials.
  6. Support for Climate Anxiety. Education institutions must provide the tools and support to help teachers and learners cope with climate anxiety and mental health issues.
  7. Active Citizenship. Education institutions must engage and provide students opportunities for active citizenship to take responsibility for nature and society.
  8. Innovation and Infrastructure. Education institutions must be innovators. Schools must be NET0 by 2030 and all newly built schools must be emissions-free.

This Earth Day we are asking people to act for climate education and be responsible for the future of schooling and sign the Climate Literacy Petition.


Matthew Aruch, Director of Global Education EARTHDAY.ORG:

“The FFF Climate Education demands are a powerful reminder for the critical need for climate and environmental literacy programs for all learners, everywhere. More than ever, we need to draw upon global, intercultural, and intergenerational knowledge for action around the climate crisis. Centering the voices and acknowledging the growing concern of youth is paramount to ensuring that future generations have the mindsets to identify, understand, and address emergent social and environmental challenges and opportunities.”


Ūla Balaševičiūtė, Fridays for Future

“Environmental education is the key to solving the ongoing climate crisis. Yet this solution most often gets forgotten, but now more than ever it has to become a reality. Implementing climate education means that the current and future generations to come will be equipped with knowledge to fight the climate crisis and protect our natural environment. It is also the first step towards ensuring the much-needed climate justice.”


Jennifer Williams and Koen Timmers, Executive Directors Take Action Global

“Young people today are leading with passion, hope, and optimism; they see a world without limits. As educators, we need to recognize and respond to the demands of youth activists like FFF. Now is a time for solidarity, co-creation, and partnership—with people of all ages and from all around the world. We are ready to move into the future as a united front ready to take action for our planet”


Fridays for the Future Education

Humanity is facing an unprecedented climate and biodiversity crisis that finds its root causes in a modern society built on the continuous growth of material consumption while entirely disregarding planetary boundaries. This grave emergency is currently undermining youth’s confidence in their future and triggering serious, disempowering anxiety. By implementing universal, comprehensive climate education, youth can be empowered to take control of their future and actively combat the climate crisis.

The climate crisis is an immediate threat to all of us. We’re living in a state of emergency yet hear nothing about it. That is why we believe that climate education should be accessible to everyone, without any borders or limits. It must be integrated into the core values of curriculums across all subjects and levels of education. Educational institutions must take initiative in developing responsibility for nature and active citizenship in students. By training teachers and making our schools emissions-free we can inspire people to act and develop a collective understanding of the problem.


For more information, or to request an interview, contact

Fridays for the Future Education

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Ph: +972544318920

Take Action Global

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