Fostering Transversal Skills through Open Schooling with the CARE-KNOW-DO Framework for Sustainable Education


4.1. RQ1—Students’ Views about Their Learning Experience with Open Schooling

This study’ 12,074 contains complete responses from a total of 16,787 students, spanning diverse countries, ages, and genders, lends solid credibility to our analysis (Table 4).

However, we acknowledge that excluding the 4713 participants who did not complete all questions is a limitation potentially affecting the breadth of our exploratory factor analysis (EFA).

Data from the questionnaire, rated on a 1–5 Likert scale, were analyzed with SPSS version 24. The instrument’s reliability was confirmed by a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.929, indicating strong internal consistency [36]. The KMO measure was 0.957, and the significant Bartlett’s test of sphericity (chi-square = 136,957.314, df. = 435, and Sig. = 0.000) strongly indicates that a factor analysis is appropriate for the dataset, as there is enough evidence of underlying patterns or factors within the variables that can be extracted and analyzed [37].
The results of the EFA with Varimax rotation identified six comprehensive skill components, each comprising a group of specific skill items that collectively form the six transversal skills in open-schooling education (Table 4). These components are (c1) problem-solving, (c2) self-initiative, (c3) affective engagement, (c4) scientific citizenship, (c5) authentic learning, and (c6) future prospects.
These components comprehensively cover the spectrum of skills and attitudes critical for engaging with and understanding open-schooling learning experiences related to science for a sustainable life and sustainable future, spanning from personal efficacy and emotional investment to societal implications and future orientations. Each component (C1 to C6) had strong loadings on its respective factors, typically above 0.5, which indicates a good association with the factor; communalities for each item were reasonably high, above 0.3; and scree plots were used to validate the number of factors extracted. The 56% total variance explained by the EFA indicates a moderate and meaningful representation of the transversal skills model through six components, serving as a solid foundation for deeper analysis and practical implementation in this study [38].
  • C1. Problem-solving: This component highlights individuals’ confidence and ability to utilize scientific knowledge and mathematical skills to solve problems, support arguments with evidence, and participate actively in scientific discussions.

  • C2. Self-initiative: This component focuses on students’ proactive behavior in seeking science knowledge and engaging in science-related activities beyond formal education and showcases their autonomy and initiative in their learning journey.

  • C3. Affective engagement: This component addresses the emotional connection students have with science, including their intrinsic motivation, their enjoyment, fun, interest, and the value they place on science for personal and societal benefit, driving their sustained interest and participation in science.

  • C4. Scientific citizenship: This component emphasizes the importance of understanding science’s role in society and everyday life, promoting informed citizenship and recognizing scientific literacy as essential for making responsible decisions.

  • C5. Authentic learning: This component concentrates on the social aspects of science learning, including the significance of teacher-student interactions and collaborative learning environments, highlighting communication and cooperation in science education.

  • C6. Future prospects: This component combines a forward-looking view of science’s relevance to future careers with an engaged learning approach that values family influence and interaction with science professionals, fostering a comprehensive and open attitude towards science education and its opportunities.

To compute an EFA using the SPSS component’s composite score from Likert data for each respondent, each item score was multiplied by its loading, summed for these products, and divided by the total of the loadings. The weighted average, Score C1 = (item1 × loading1 + … + itemN × loadingN)/(loading1 + … + loadingN), reflects each item’s relative importance based on its loading. A threshold was used where scores over 3 indicated a positive connection (3.5 to 5), and then the percentage of each component per country, gender, and age was calculated.

To determine students’ learning gains in terms of transversal skills, a global weighted composite score was calculated. This was performed by taking the sum of each component’s average score multiplied by its proportion variance (for components C1 through C5) and then dividing by the sum of the proportion variances. A score above the threshold of 3 indicates that students have an overall positive perception of their transversal skills.

  • Results about Students’ Perceptions Related to Transversal Skills across Countries, Gender, and Age

Among the five countries, we calculated the number of students whose scores were more than 3 to represent transversal-skills confidence.

The highest levels of perceived transversal skills were observed in 83% of the Greek students, followed by 80% of the Brazilian students. In Romania and the UK, the percentage was 64%, with that in Spain being slightly lower, at 62%. These findings suggest that the CARE-KNOW-DO framework is effective in supporting underserved students’ positive perceptions of transversal skills based on self-assessment questionnaires of their learning through open-schooling activities.

Age-related differences revealed variation in perceptions of transversal skills, with the highest percentages observed in the 10–12 age group at 80% and in the 13–14 age group at 79%. The figure decreased to 55% among 15-to-16-year-olds before experiencing a slight increase to 57% in the 17-to-19-year-old group.

Gender differences showed that 82% of female students had slightly greater perceptions of transversal skills than did 79% of male students. This percentage decreased to 67% among students who identified with a gender other than male or female. As illustrated in Figure 5, the disparity is evident across all skills, with a difference of approximately 45%, except for authentic learning, which stands at 66%.
Figure 5 presents a detailed description of transversal skill component variations for comparative analysis in terms of geographical, gender, and age differences.

Each bar chart uses a variety of colors to represent six transversal skills: problem-solving, self-initiative, engagement, scientific citizenship, authentic learning, and future prospects.

Countries: Among the countries listed (Spain, Greece, the UK, Brazil, and Romania), Figure 5 shows notable variations. Brazil shows the highest percentages for scientific citizenship and authentic learning, while Greece leads in self-initiative. Brazil and Greece lead in scientific citizenship and authentic learning; Greece also leads in self-initiative. Meanwhile, the UK shows the least self-initiative. Although Spain has lower rates for problem-solving and self-initiative, it has higher rates for scientific citizenship. Each country exhibits distinct profiles in these skills.
Age: Figure 6 breaks down the perceptions by age group (10–12, 13–14, 15–16, and 17–18). The variance is very small across ages for almost all skills. All age groups show the lowest percentage for self-initiative learning but have relatively high percentages for authentic learning and scientific citizenship. Younger students (aged 10–12) had the highest percentage of confidence in problem-solving. There is a trend toward a small increase in the perception of skills related to scientific citizenship and self-initiative from low secondary school to upper secondary school across ages. However, perceptions related to problem-solving and affective engagement seem to decrease slightly from primary to middle secondary school years (ages 10–12 vs. 15–16).
Gender: Figure 7 divides perceptions by gender (female, male, and other). Female students show higher percentages of scientific citizenship and authentic learning, while male students show higher percentages of problem-solving. The percentage of students who identified as “other” was lower in all categories than in females and males.

Overall, there are distinct differences in the perceptions of transversal skills when dissected by country, age, and gender, indicating that these factors may influence how students relate to and develop these skills within the context of open schooling.

In all examined countries, the percentage of students demonstrating self-initiative in science was relatively low, with 8% in the UK, 15% in Spain, 21% in Romania and Brazil, and 29% in Greece. This suggests that a limited number of students are proactive in their science learning and skill development outside of school. Conversely, a high percentage of students across these countries are developing scientific citizenship skills, with Brazil leading at 85%, followed by Greece at 83%, Spain at 72%, the UK at 69%, and Romania at 62%. These figures indicate that open schooling may have a significant positive impact on fostering scientific citizenship. This trend is closely mirrored in the areas of authentic learning and future prospects. Apart from self-initiative skills, problem-solving emerges as another challenging skill, with engagement levels ranging from Spain’s lowest, at approximately 40%, to Greece’s highest, at 60%. Problem-solving is one of the key transversal skills, with half of the students feeling confident—60% in Greece, 56% in the UK, and 54% in Romania, followed by 44% in Brazil and 39% in Spain.

4.2. RQ2. Teachers’ Views on Challenges and Drivers of Open-Schooling Practices

To address this question, we employed a thematic analysis [39] to examine 20 teachers’ self-reported practices, including students’ learning achievements, difficulties, and pedagogical outcomes, in terms of the benefits and challenges associated with the open-schooling approach. (Table 5).

This sample included four teachers from different educational levels and disciplines in each of the five countries. To present the analysis, we selected representative distinctive snapshots according to each of the six specific transversal skills, also considering findings provided by students in terms of achievements and difficulties. To code the database, a qualitative codebook was developed that enables the identification of key teaching competencies with open schooling to foster transversal skills.

C1.Problem-solving: To address challenges in problem-solving within STEM, educators have identified critical obstacles, such as students’ difficulties with complex tasks and insufficient skills for decision-making. Research underscores that these deficits can undermine confidence and hinder performance. Recognizing the skills gap is crucial. This study revealed that heightened awareness for both educators and students is important for implementing targeted support and interventions to bolster students’ problem-solving abilities, such as teamwork, with suitable roles and meaningful discussions using personalized resources, thereby enhancing their STEM educational outcomes. This approach emphasizes the importance of tailored support to bridge this gap and improve problem-solving proficiency in STEM fields (Table 6).
C2.Self-Initiative: Teachers reported that challenges such as unfamiliar topics can reduce student initiative, but targeted support and experiential learning can enhance their motivation and curiosity to increase their participation. Additionally, a lack of understanding about open-schooling activities is a concern that can be mitigated by employing peer learning and mentorship to inspire students, boost confidence, and cultivate a supportive community that encourages proactive engagement. Encouraging students to take initiative in their STEM education with practical applications of STEM concepts can empower them to become future leaders in STEM fields and bridge the gap between classroom learning and real-world challenges (Table 7).
C3. Affective Engagement: The challenges and strategies highlighted by teachers indicated the importance of fostering affective engagement in STEM education through meaningful, collaborative projects that empower students to make a difference in their communities. By providing opportunities for students to explore, create, and contribute positively to society, educators can inspire a lasting passion for STEM subjects and cultivate a sense of purpose and agency among learners. Collaboration, discussion, and ongoing engagement are important for preventing disengagement or burnout (Table 8).
C4.Scientific Citizenship: Teachers expressed a need for access to science experts. Collaborating with science experts can enrich classroom experiences and provide students with real-world perspectives for appreciating science with and for society. Another issue is that students vary in their ability to present claims supported by evidence. By addressing challenges related to differentiation, support, access to expertise, and family involvement, educators can promote scientific citizenship among students by nurturing their critical thinking skills, scientific literacy, and ability to apply scientific knowledge to real-world issues. These strategies help cultivate a sense of responsibility and active participation in scientific inquiry for sustainable development among learners (Table 9).
C5. Authentic Learning: Teachers explained that authentic learning with open schooling is challenging. Due to scheduling constraints, students had limited time to work with extra activities. The pressures of the curriculum, difficulty managing time, and weak relationships between the curriculum and real-life issues also posed challenges for teachers. Continuous efforts by teachers are vital for innovating their practices despite curriculum limitations. By addressing challenges related to limited time and curriculum limitations, educators can create engaging and effective learning experiences that support students’ academic development and prepare them to shape a better future (Table 10).
C6.Future Prospects: A barrier highlighted by teachers was that open-schooling activities could be perceived as irrelevant by others not directly involved in the curriculum. Another issue is extra activities beyond students’ already demanding school schedules. Establishing partnerships with university students and professors in vulnerable communities poses another challenge. However, connecting extracurricular activities to the formal curriculum and developing strategic partnerships can help ensure the sustainability and effectiveness of these initiatives (Table 11).


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