REN21 Renewables Academy 2014 Policy Frameworks

As renewables mature in early adopter countries and simultaneously expand into new markets, the question of how to best support renewable energy continues to occupy the minds of policy makers. Over the years there has been significant innovation in the policy arena as policy makers cope with the changing policy needs of emerging and maturing markets. The portfolio of available policies has evolved to include ever more varied instruments, which are increasingly being integrated with energy market, infrastructure of employment policies. While this diversity allows for differentiated and potentially more effective policy frameworks, it also makes it increasingly challenging to identify the ideal policy mix for a given market or market phase. In the time of tight budgets, the topic of policy effectiveness is becoming more and more light of this, the session seeks to:- Identify relevant/successful policies for the different stages. – Examine different market stages and needs through short case Discuss how the REN21 community can facilitate the design and adoption of tailored policy

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