Research on Factors Influencing Hotel Consumers’ Health: A Systematic Review and Ways Forward


Figure 5 shows the analysis results for the sources of the factors mentioned in the articles collected in this study that impact hotel consumers’ health. According to social cognitive theory, individuals interact with their environments through their cognition and behaviour and are ultimately influenced by both personal and environmental factors [24]. Based on this theory, the researchers began the process of drawing the framework presented in Figure 5 by considering whether the influences mentioned in the article came from the consumers themselves or from the environment (i.e., hotels and special events). The results of this section of the analysis are presented in the nonoverlapping part of the framework diagram, which shows the underlying characteristics of the impact sources themselves. Secondly, the researchers focused on the conclusions of the studies and explored the process by which impacts were generated. The analysis results of this process are shown in the overlapping part of Figure 5.
From the perspective of consumers, their inherent demographic characteristics (e.g., gender) are some of the sources that affect their health [25]. In addition, influencing factors from consumers also include some characteristics related to personal health, such as their basic health status before they stay in a hotel [26] and individual health literacy levels [27]. The impact of hotels on consumers mainly comes from three aspects, namely, the services, products, and hotel environment. These features are placed in nonoverlapping areas because these are basic features of the hotel and will not be affected by consumers or special events. Hotel products refer to the tangible products provided by hotels, including products for consumers to use, such as linens [17] and bathtubs [28]. They also include food and drinks (e.g., milk) provided to consumers by hotels [29]. Hotel services refer to the intangible products provided by hotels to consumers. Such products are usually considered to be an important impact source of hotel consumers’ experiences [30]. Services not only refer to reception services provided by employees [31] but also include some other types of services. For example, hotels provide health information services to consumers [32], leisure and health services [33], and just health services [34]. The hotel environment includes both the visual atmosphere inside and outside, such as the green atmosphere of indoor and outdoor spaces [35,36] and a sense of ecological design [25]. Hotel environment factors also include air quality [37], water quality [38], social environments [31], and acoustic environments [26]. These factors are not visually noticeable but will affect consumers when they enter the hotel space. Since the data collection time of this study is limited to between 2019 and October 2023, this study identified only one special event that affected hotel consumers’ health, namely, the COVID-19 pandemic.

Overall, factors affecting hotel consumers’ health come from three different themes: firstly, the consumers themselves; secondly, the hotel; and finally, special events. Compared with influencing factors from consumers themselves, researchers pay more attention to influencing factors from hotels. Within the limited time period of this study, the researchers’ attention to special events affecting consumers’ health was limited to one public health event, namely, the global COVID-19 pandemic that occurred at the end of 2019.


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