Should the Biden Administration Provide Ukraine with any Weapons (Short of Nuclear, Chemical, or Biological Weapons) it Requires to Win the War?


Enhanced Ukrainian Defense and Offensive Capability: The Biden Administration can broaden Ukraine’s military arsenal to drastically improve its defensive operations and offensive capabilities to reclaim territories. In doing so, the U.S. could improve Ukraine’s position on the battlefield, particularly as a dearth of military supplies begins to take a toll. Additionally, the U.S. would be able to greatly improve Ukraine’s long-term security and defense capabilities.  

Deter Future Russian Aggression: By providing Ukraine with an unrestricted flow of weapons it requires to win the war—particularly advanced weaponry—the Biden Administration can greatly reduce the likelihood of future Russian territorial advances. Consequently, the precarious situation along the frontlines could stabilize and Ukraine could have a chance of tipping the balance of the war in its favor.

Moral and Strategic Support for Democracy: Unrestricted U.S. support for Ukraine through advanced military assistance could send a decisive signal of long-term support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and democratic governance. In doing so, the U.S. can reinforce its strategic values in the face of authoritarian aggression while simultaneously promulgating a message of empowerment to democratic allies across the international community.

Pressure Russia towards Diplomacy: The Biden Administration should provide Ukraine with any weapons required to tilt the balance of power and pressure Russia to weigh diplomatic channels more earnestly. By contributing to a more formidable Ukrainian defense apparatus, the U.S. can signal to Russia the increasing costs associated with a continued invasion. Such a decision could potentially incentivize Moscow to explore peaceful resolutions and cease hostilities, aiming to avoid further military and economic losses among others.

Adaptability and Warfare Resilience: In a more tactical sense, unrestricted military provisions to Ukraine can ensure its forces are able to adapt to dynamic battlefield conditions and counter a diverse range of Russian military tactics. Moreover, Ukraine would be able to mount more effective defensive and offensive operations by preparing Ukrainian forces to neutralize advanced Russian military technologies and maintain operational momentum. Ultimately, Ukraine would then secure a strategic advantage on the battlefield.


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